DWI/Alcohol Charges
Even though DWI is a victimless crime, there are severe legal repercussions. If found guilty, you can be sentenced to six months in prison, lose your driver’s license for up to a year, have to have a breathalyzer put in your vehicle, and have to pay thousands of dollars over several years in order to maintain your license. Even grave consequences include reputational harm and social shame. Your daily routine and job schedule may be severely disrupted if you lose your license. A conviction stays on your record for many years.
What is Driving While Intoxicated?
Driving while intoxicated refers to using alcohol, drugs, or a combination of those substances to operate a vehicle without using one’s normal mental or physical faculties. First-time DWI offenders are typically charged with a class B misdemeanor, though they may be charged with a more serious offense depending on the circumstances. Intoxication is defined as a blood alcohol concentration of.08, but it can also be inferred from other circumstances such as failing standard field sobriety tests, driving under the influence, etc.

DWI Offenses
First Offense
- 3-180 days in jail
- Fine up to $2,000
- Loss of driver’s license up to a year
Second Offense
- 1 month-1 year in jail
- Fine up to $4,000
- Loss of driver’s license up to two years
Third Offense
- 2-10 years in prison
- $10,000 fine
- Loss of driver’s license up to two years
DWI with a Child Passenger
Normally a class B misdemeanor, DWI with a Child Passenger is a State Jail Felony punishable by:- Up to two years in a state jail
- Fine up to $10,000

How Much Alcohol Makes You “Drunk”?
While there isn’t a strict guideline, many individuals discover that a single 12-oz. one five-ounce beer. one and a half ounces of wine. of 80 proof liquor—or about 0.02 of their blood alcohol content. The rate at which the body breaks down alcohol in the bloodstream is also influenced by factors such as body size, the quantity of food consumed at the same time, and drinking patterns.
Contact a DWI Lawyer in Texas Today
Being convicted of a DWI or related offense can take a heavy toll on your employment, relationships, freedom, and reputation. If you have been charged with DWI, contact Robles Family Law for a free case evaluation and a hard-hitting defense.

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