Texas Involuntary Termination Pay

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Texas Involuntary Termination Pay

In the complex and sometimes daunting world of labor laws, understanding one’s rights and responsibilities can be a challenge for both employers and employees.

One such area of concern and misunderstanding revolves around involuntary termination pay. Texas, known for its business-friendly environment, has specific regulations when it comes to this.

In this blog, we’ll unravel the details surrounding Texas involuntary termination pay.

What is Involuntary Termination?

Before diving into the specifics of Texas law, it’s essential to understand what involuntary termination means.

Involuntary termination, often referred to as being “fired” or “laid off,” is when an employer ends an employee’s employment without the employee’s consent.

This can happen for various reasons such as company downsizing, performance issues, policy violations, or business restructuring.

Texas Payment of Wages Laws

Texas, unlike some other states, doesn’t have a specific statute requiring employers to pay terminated employees immediately upon termination.

However, certain guidelines dictate the timeframe within which a terminated employee should receive their last paycheck.

Final Pay Deadlines

Regular Paydays

Texas law mandates that all wages are to be paid on regularly scheduled paydays.

If an employee is terminated, they must receive their final wages by the next regularly scheduled payday following their termination date. This applies irrespective of whether the employee was fired or laid off.

Unspecified Paydays

For businesses that do not have specified paydays, the employer must pay their terminated employees no later than the 1st and 15th of each month.

Deductions and Withholdings

Texas law prohibits employers from making any deductions from an employee’s final paycheck unless:

Authorized by the employee

The employee can provide a written authorization to deduct specific amounts for reasons such as loan repayments, equipment, or uniform costs.

Authorized by law

Deductions like taxes, court-ordered garnishments, or child support can be made without explicit employee consent as they are mandated by law.

It’s crucial to understand that an employer cannot withhold a final paycheck as punishment or as leverage in a dispute.

Doing so can open the employer up to potential legal action.

Severance Pay and Benefits

While Texas law does not mandate severance pay, if an employer has a policy or practice of providing severance pay, they must comply with it.

For instance, if the company’s policy is documented in an employee handbook or a contract, they’re obligated to honor it upon termination.

Similarly, if the company offers benefits like unused vacation pay, it’s up to the company’s policy whether they’ll pay it out upon termination.

If the policy dictates it, the employer should honor it.

Penalties for Non-compliance

Employers who fail to comply with Texas wage payment laws can face serious consequences.

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) can impose administrative penalties on employers who act in bad faith or with negligence.

Further, if an employee has to hire an attorney to recover unpaid wages, the employer could be held liable for those attorney fees and other court costs.

What Employees Can Do

For employees who believe their rights have been violated:

  1. Document Everything: Keep track of all correspondence, pay stubs, and other relevant documents.
  2. Contact the Texas Workforce Commission: If you suspect that your employer has not complied with Texas law regarding your final paycheck, you can file a wage claim with the TWC.
  3. Seek Legal Counsel: If the matter is not resolved, it might be in your best interest to consult with an attorney familiar with Texas labor laws.


Understanding Texas involuntary termination pay is essential for both employers and employees.

While Texas offers a lot of flexibility to businesses, it also has safeguards in place to ensure employees receive what they’re owed.

Both parties should be aware of their rights and responsibilities to avoid potential conflicts and legal issues.

girl who was wrongfully terminated from job

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